"No one told me I’d have regrets after my abortion."
Surrendering the Secret
Did you know that statistics today show that close to 1 out of 3 women of childbearing age have experienced an abortion?
These are your sisters, mothers, wives, and friends. Many of these women feel they cannot talk about their abortion experience. They carry an incredible burden of silence and heartache, and many struggle for years with suppressed memories, guilt, shame, and depression.
At Blue Ridge Women’s Center, we want to help these women find healing from their past abortion. Surrendering the Secret is an 8-part study designed to help hurting women find healing from shame, loss, and confusion.
Blue Ridge Women’s Center bridges the gap regarding healing and reproductive loss. We offer a safe environment where women do not feel the need to hide their abortions. It’s a place full of compassion and hope, without condemnation.
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Women who have an abortion in their past can let down their guard and release the secrets they carry. We help one another peel off masks, and show one another that each of us is broken in some way, and in desperate need of what Christ has to offer.